Remote Sensing and GIS Applications in Water Resource Management

May 22 – June 09, 2017


• Overview of RS & GIS Application in Water Resources Management;
• Hydrological Parameter Estimation using RS & GIS; 
• Digital Elevation Model (DEM) hydro-processing, Watershed Characterization; 
• Hydrological Modelling with Geospatial Inputs;
• Snow/Glacier Mapping, Monitoring and Snow Melt Runoff Model; 
• Soil erosion and Sediment modeling, Watershed Prioritization and Conservation Planning;
• Waterbody Mapping, Water Quality and Reservoir Sedimentation Assessment using Remote Sensing; 
• Application of Geospatial Techniques in Irrigation Water Management;
• Mapping, Monitoring of Hydro-meteorological Disasters and Damage Assessment; 
• Flood Modelling and Early Warning Systems;
• Ground Water Prospects Zonation; 
• Site Suitability Analysis for Water Resources Projects and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA); 
• Urban Hydrological studies using Geospatial inputs; 
• Climate and Land Use Land Cover Change impact on Water Resources; 
• Integrated Water Resources Management
